When you are looking for a company to do your bathroom refurbishment in Leicester, you don’t need to look very far. Craven and Hargreaves is the local company that has been serving your friends and neighbors for over ten years. Their mission has been to bring their unique blend of home remodeling, home refurbishing and interior design to their friends and neighbors in Leicester.
Their first step is to have them pop round for a free initial consultation. They will listen to what you are trying to accomplish and offer up some preliminary ideas on how you can get started. They will talk with introduce you to some beautiful mood boards for you to review, which will encompass all of the design elements you are looking for in your new bathroom. They address carpets, flooring, curtains, color scheme and anything else that you need to include. They offer the most comprehensive bathroom refurbishment in Leicester, and they pride themselves on being able to come up with some extremely creative and beautiful plans for any budget.
Once you have decided to work with these local ladies, they will manage your project from start to finish, even assisting you with choosing your contractors. As a matter of personal pride, they guarantee that any contractor they recommend will be personally endorsed by them, or they will not recommend them at all. This type of personal accountability and service is what makes Craven and Hargreaves the perfect choice for your bathroom refurbishment project in Leicester.