Never has this expression been more apt than when applied to the idea of the Mood Board. For many, especially those involved in home renovation Leicester, the Mood Board is an essential tool that enables the would be designer present their ideas visually, giving an impressionistic idea as to their vision for your room. It is more about presenting the atmosphere of the design ideas rather than a snapshot and is an incredibly clever way to ensure that a designer is on your wavelength before making a decision. Mood boards are generally concocted over a period of time after several meetings and conversations and provide that essential proof-positive that a designer is taking your requests seriously and listening to your ideas.
If you look at the Mood Board and think, “Wow, that is me down to a T!” then it can be extremely liberating, not to mention stress-saving to hand over the reins, trusting that the designer knows what you want.
What does a Mood Board look like?
A Mood board will probably look like a collage, with scraps of fabric and swatches of paint and perhaps a sample of oak wood flooring – all coming together to show the intended colour scheme. Of course it could well be a digital Mood Board (also known as a ‘Digital Mash-up’), which eliminates the designer’s need to find physical manifestations of his vision and can lead to a more accurate and expansive portrayal of his desired atmosphere. An effective Mood Board will be roughly to scale in that each swatch and sample will take up the same sort of space on the board as it will in the relevant room in proportion to the other samples. This makes it much easier to visualise just how well the fabrics, tones, textures and shades will work together.
Just the beginning
For designers and project managers like Craven & Hargreaves the Mood Board marks the moment at which mutual trust and understanding is achieved and represents the first step on a journey that will end with your dream room or in more expansive projects, your dream house. A Mood Board is a very intensive and highly intuitive tool and so it makes perfect sense to make the most of that connection and retain continuity throughout each step of the process to ensure that that everyone remains on the same page.