Walls are very important. Having a well decorated wall can bring out the beauty of a home. Let’s start with the walls inside the house. Your bedroom is a very private place and it must be as peaceful as possible. Adding a concrete design with sharp edges can be interesting with a pendant light panel. You color palette can be energized with a bright and bold patterned rug. This arrangement is best for the extreme cold weather, when you have snow outside. The heavy patterns generate warmth and a sense of comfort against the extreme weather. A monochromatic room is an artistic idea. This room can be designed with panels which can be white painted with a backdrop having a stunning portrait. A striking patterned rug with an eye-catching pattern can be placed just in front of the bed. The walls can be brown and the bed side tables can have a cosmo pendant lights. You must be thinking that these bold patterns can make a room look less spacey. Well in the accent times, when there were limited building material and techniques available. Forts and houses were built using soil and rock. Though they will look very daring if you will add them to your home in present time. But, why not. You can use concrete instead of the actual soil since it requires a lot of maintenance. The rock idea is still applicable. The walls can look like as if they are from ancient times if you will place small rocks or sliced big rocks on the wall with a pattern in it. They will depict as if the room is from the designs of a fort or a castle.
Having wood patterns are also very interesting and they depict an ancient era. An era when limited building material was available. A time when the houses were built using wood, rocks and soil. If you will have a wall with sliced wood covering your wall then it will be best for those areas where the weather is very cold. The rocks design can suite both the cold and hot weather. You can have neutral grays and matte grays or a dark blue green color of rock design. To add to the definitions, a beige colored vase can be used. A natural amount of different variations can be used to make your walls look more ancient. Living in such a home is more like watching a thriller every day. This will give you a feeling of how ancient people use to live. A glossy glass panel looks very smooth and its also functional. Cabinets made of wood can be added to the room for storage purpose. These designs will make you go in the past. Please visit our website for more details.