
You can make your home look like a masterpiece. As, if you have hired professional interior designers

Hiring professional interior designing services can be expensive. Interior designers can also be called artists since they have a creative mind. But, don’t be upset if you are unable to afford an interior designer. Look no further and decide to be an interior designer yourself. You can do amazing art work and do amazing renovations if you have the right direction. It cannot be denied that there is no alternative of experience but you can start by following these easy steps. First, you must do a thorough research that will give a enough ideas. After you are done with going through magazines, websites and have visited homes and malls where you can pick as many ideas as possible. The second step is that you start jotting them down on a notepad. After you have collected a number of ideas, you can start screening them and only pick those ones which you think are workable for your renovations. Third, start finding about how you can find good alternative solutions of your ideas. An example can be that if you like the Victorian style furniture then what can be the best less expensive solution of it. Fourth is that you draw a map of what you will do next. Make a plan of how to fit your ideas into your home.

After doing all this, you will have results that your home is renovated by an interior designer. It’s the knowledge and the skills which makes a difference. You can gain this knowledge by researching and by thoroughly going through ideas so they can be easily implemented. You can accessorize your home with alternatives which you can find in different magazines and websites. The easiest way to learn and implement great ideas is through selecting the pictures of already available designs. You can add depth and designs in your walls with a mix of bright and bold both textures. Drama is very important. It is not that drama. You can do this with adding glamour. A chandelier can do this trick. You must brain storm on the ideas you picked so you can get a refined decision of your ideas. Focus over balance. Being balanced in decision making and selecting the right accessories can make your home look like a dream. Find your inner instincts and be a pro when you decide the best ideas for your home renovation. Short courses are also available. If you can find them to take a crash course then you can learn a lot of skills and then you will not be needing a professional interior designer to design according to your budget. Please visit our company website at:  for more details.

Small Room ideas

If you don’t have much space then you must avoid bulky furniture and also avoid bold colors since they will make the space look more less. Since, a small room don’t have a luxury of keeping a lot of things so you have to think of keeping selected items in your room. You can keep a bed with a light frame and it should not be heavy. You can choose white or beige color which can make your room look more spacious. You can use a magnifying trick. Mirrors can do this trick as it will give an illusion of increasing the space of a room. White lights are very important as they will be adding to the same illusion trick. The space underneath your bed can be used as a storage space. You can add two or four big drawers and then you can keep your things in it. You can keep your bed at the corner without a side table. A big window in your room can also make your room look more spacier.

If you want to further make full use of the current space, you can add the idea of using vertical designs in which you can keep a double bed design but you can keep your bed at the top and you can keep a writing desk underneath your bed. The rest of the space can be used for storage e.g you can add a wardrobe. The same vertical designs can be used for adding an iron stand, which can slide down, and then you can push it back against the wall. A flat screen can be mounted on a wall opposite to the bed. You can use your bed to watch television rather than adding a couch. A built in wardrobe in your wall can also save a lot of space and can make a small space look less full. As, the population is increasing, so it is seen that the new housing are mostly build with small rooms and the new houses have less space in them as compared to the old luxurious houses where a lot of space was available.

Small spaces are tricky since you have to be very selective and very precise in your decisions about what to keep and what not to keep. If you want to add a sofa, then have only one seat and not more then that, since your bed can be used for sitting purpose. A blind can be used instead of a curtain. A wall niche must be built when you are renovating. These serve a very good purpose of keeping a lot of extra things. So, whenever you are renovating then you have to have as many wall niches as possible. See at: for more information.

Renovate Your Home With Artistic Science

Home renovation is a mix of art and science. How it is art and how it is science? It is art because picking the right color, theme, texture and right material for your home renovation is to make the space look brighter or more refreshing can be done by an artist only. On the other hand, it is science because keeping your windows big enough so you can enjoy the natural sunlight and designing a small space so it can occupy as many things as possible is science. Renovations are tricky since it will be both demanding and can be heavy on your pocket sometimes. Nevertheless, keeping a balance is the best thing. There are many options available in the market which can be easily adjusted into you budget. Your renovations have to start with a great idea with a clear thinking of what you want. Are you struggling with less space or you have a profession which creates a clutter in your home. Do you have kids? First jot down all the main targets that you want to achieve through renovations. If you have, frequent parties and a lot of guests are invited on regular basis then what you want your home to look like. Do you want to startle them with a stunning entrance or you want to keep it simple to clean up easily later. When you start with renovations, you have to keep two things in your mind. Style and functionality, you want your home to look stylish but you cannot avoid functionality, as you have to make your daily living easy. You can plan a living room with a lower grounded conversation pit. Your attic can be used as a pillow room. The space under your stairs can be used to add a book shelf or you can also use this space by adding a door in it and you can use it as a store. This space can also be used as a book nook. If you are keeping a dog as a pet then you can make its shelter underneath your stairway. There must be two spaces for your dishwashers. One in you main kitchen and the other one is in your dirty kitchen. If you have a shabby garden, then it can be turned into a piece of art by planting flower plants. If you have a tree in your garden then you can add a tree house in it. There must be a pest control system, whichmust be installed in your house. These small bugs can be a big problem. You can add baseboard drawers to maximum your storage capacity. Your shower can have an S shaped seat, so you lie down in it. You can have a walk in shower, this way you don’t have to clean glass. There must be chutes installed in your kitchen for the recycling and trash. Renovate your home with style and functionality.

Stylize Your Home: Home Refurbishment

Remodeling your home is getting very easy because of easy to install accessories available in the market. The key is to plan, organize and arrange. These are the magic words. First, you have answer to three important questions. 1-What to install? 2-Where to install? How to install?.When you have made a sound plan then stick with it throughout its implementation.Do you want to add a modern stylish look or you want a vintage look. It depends on what you like. You can make your shelves look neat and cute and not cluttered. Add, as many shelves as you can because it hides all the extra things you have and shelves is a great storage idea. You can choose white windows, as they always look fresh and are timeless. This idea never gets old. Likewise, brown wood textured doors are another classic idea, which is evergreen. Adding flowerpots always will make your home look and smell beautiful. You can also look for flowers that last a year. Get inspirations from nature. Adding waterfall wallpaper or a scenery to your living room will make your guests feel happy. Green and white colors are used to calm and make you feel relax. Refurbishment is a once in a life time activity so taking interest can save you money while adding the ideas you want to your home. A fireplace in your home can bring life and this place is letting your family relax and engage in chitchat in evenings. Adding some traditional features like cornicing is very valuable. It can save your wall corners and add life to it. Bespoke shelving can hide many things you have. You can add them in every nook and corner of your home. From a tricky corner to a alcoves. You can use lamination in your kitchen and add mirrors so it can make your kitchen look bigger. A power shower is always interesting. It can attached with a combi boiler. A glass having high gloss can be added behind a wall panel that is colorful to give a sleek look. Paint your entire house; it will change the look of your home in an instant. The traditional curtains cost a lot of money, a cheaper solution to this are adding blinds, whichare not only stylish but can easily fit into your budget. The design of the tile matters a lot to add the theme you want. For a living room, adding a beige and white tile always looks fresh and adding a wooden textured tiles to your kitchen and your fireplace will make these places look like a dream. Always have smart lights in your home. These are energy savers, which can save money. Whenever you are refurbishing your home always install energy savers sockets. Refurbish your home with style.

Renovation With Innovation : Home Accessories

After when you are done with home renovations.You can start accessorizing your home.Colors, decoration pieces and a lot more.If you have renovated your home by adding a book nook space under your stairways then you can make it a comfortable place by adding small pillows and cushions. Place a quilt to add more definition to the place. A small book shelve can be placed near it with flower vases. The stairway can be decorated with a timeline of your pictures. The collection of frames takes a long time but if you stick to it then you can gather a good collection of picture frames.The fireplace can be added with some small chunks of wood and you can place a rug just in front of the fireplace. The curtains or blinds have to match the theme of the rest of your home. If you are having adding wall papers having scenery or you want to add a wall paper with bold textures on it then you can match the curtains with it. Plain curtains look best. You can pick cotton, silk or velvet. The cotton curtains are very easy to maintain as they can be washed easily. The chandelier looks best infront of the main entrance.Adding a lot of storage space is very important as it clears up all the extra clutter in your home. Wall paper can bring life into your space. Picking the right wall paper is the key. If you pick a good bold textured wall paper on the stairway then it will make your stairway look very poised. Accessorize your home with side tables so you can place vase on it and put fresh flowers in them. You can also use air fresheners if you have a busy schedule to pick the fresh flowers from the flower shop. You can put a rug infront of the main entrance. If you have pets then you can keep their space in your backyard. If you don’t have a backyard then you can place your pets in the kitchen area. A flat screen is the best choice for your home. As it takes less space and looks neat on the wall.Always keep a center table in your television room and always keep a space for magazines and newspapers. Your living room have to be the most comfortable since you spend most of the time there so you have to place comfortable sofa set there with big cushions which you can also use as pillows. Always keep indoor plants in your home. They keep the air fresh and atmosphere cool and fresh. Adding green plants have a very good effect on soothing the mind. Please visit our company website at:

Renovate Your Homes With Curtain And Blinds

You can complement your home with curtains and blinds, they will add life and bring freshness and the clever part is that they can hide away many things, which you can only cover with paint. Selecting the right curtain is very important. Since, these require maintenance so you have to change them after sometime. Silk curtains look very beautiful since they are shiny and look very stylish. Velvet curtains give a vintage style and are a little difficult to maintain. Your living room is the most important place and most of the time; most of the houses have a big window. So, you can use a velvet curtain to cover it up since in the day time a lot of sunlight comes in that room. Therefore, if you want to take a nap in your living room or you have placed your flat screen and you want to create a cinema effect then you need velvet curtains. Blinds are another good alternative. A cheaper alternative, which can easily fit into your budget.Style your home with stylish classic or casual looking blinds. Readymade curtains are available in the market at a very affordable price. You can even change curtains for every season. The curtain rods are available in metal and in wood also. It depends on what is the color of the rest of the room. Wood rods looks very beautiful and metal looks good too and are practical more.If you want a long lasting structure then you go for metal curtain rods. Heavy red velvet curtains with golden curtain rods mostly imitate the Victorian style.On the other hand, you can also keep it simple by adding cotton curtains, which are easily washable, and you do not even need to give it to your dry cleaner. If you have kids then you don’t want long curtains, you can alter your curtains according to the size of your window. The better option is to use blinds since they are sized according to the window. The blinds can even roll up and looks very neat. The blinds though catch a lot of dust and needs to be replaced after sometime but since they are so affordable so it can be easily done.Some blinds are made of wood and looks very beautiful. The best part of using blinds in your home is this that they are coming with a lot of stylish textures and patterns. Therefore, there is a lot of variety. Blinds can block the sunlight more. Therefore, if you are planning to watch a movie in daytime by creating a cinema effect then you can easily do it with using blinds. After renovations, selecting curtains and blinds for your home is like icing on a cake.

Add Elegance And Design To Your Bathroom Refurbishment

You need to renovate your bathroom after sometime as the fixtures get old and needs renovation. Whenever you start with renovations then you have to think of remodeling your bathroom too. As this is a good opportunity to remodel it when you renovate. Bathrooms have to be a safe place so whenever you think of remodeling it then you have to keep the old map infront first and then you can think of clever ways to add safety to your bathroom. Whether it is the shower area or the electric work. It must be safe since water can create a lot of trouble. In vintage bathroom, you can always find a tub but now in this modern era time is not a luxury anymore. Therefore, people have to take a shower then to find time to relax in a bathtub. However, a bathtub can always be best for relaxing but it always take a lot of space and it is difficult to maintain.  You can select a wash basin with a base or without a base. The small storage space underneath the wash basin can be used to keep different things. If you are planning to add a shower space to your bathroom then always add a space for a shower curtain. A window in the bathroom have to be small and it must be covered with a small curtain. You can use a blind to cover the window too. Window in a bathroom have to be designed to be at a height and it cannot be big since the purpose is just for ventilation.You can keep a door matt infront of the bathroom and the light you will install have to be smart lights to save electricity. You can use ceramic tiles in your bathroom and they are available in beautiful patterns in the market. Blue and with water patterns looks very beautiful and are very soothing and relaxing too. A box frame is also available in the market for the shower. It is available in see through glass or tinted glass too. This saves the hassle of adding a shower curtain to your shower area. A small medicine cabinet can be added just behind your mirror which is placed above the wash basin. You can add a light on top of the mirror. An electric socket can be added near a washbasin so if you want to use any electric shaver or any other thing then you can just plug in. You have to place air fresheners in your bathroom. There are automatic air fresheners available in the market which automatically spray the air after some time thus keep the air scented all the time. Check in for more details.

Home Renovation

Whenever you decide to renovate your home, take some time and go through a lot of ideas. Take a holiday if you want to. Renovating your home can be challenging yet it can be fun. Getting involved in renovations is the key to get the right ideas. Take interest. Selecting the right theme, picking the right wallpaper or deciding the color of the door is an art. Decide what make you comfortable. Either you can add all four seasons or you can be good with only one. Brown wooden doors are the all time green trend or you can go with something out of the box. Add definitions in your doors and windows. You can also use a colorful nature wallpaper which can be used on the main wall of your drawing room. Let’s start with your kitchen. You can replace that old slaps with marble. You can add light textured marble to add a look of definition in your kitchen. Cabinets are the first thing anyone sees when they will enter in your kitchen. So, if you want to make you kitchen look spacy then you can add white or cream color. This will give an effect of more space. Your life style will be the ultimate decision maker of your choices. If you are a busy person on the job and you don’t spend much time at home then don’t clutter your home with small things. Infact use few things but useful things. Add few lights and add a wall paper which is plane so it can easily replaced if you want to replace it. Keeping a budget in mind is very important. First set a budget and then start buying the things. There are a lot of cheap but good quality alternatives available in the market. The stair way have to be easy and comfortable. If you will add steps with height then it will take a lot of effort to go up the stairs. Add a fireplace.  This is most of the time is called the family place. The evening time is mostly spend here. Add a sofa with a rocking chair. Keep a table at the center. You can add rocks look to the fire place. This place looks best when you add a wooden look to it. Always add a space for hanging a chandelier. This can be the entrance which can be lite up with lights and can set an impressive impression on your guests. If you are a parent and your kids need more space then you have to add safety to your renovation. When renovating, no sharp edges can be added to your living area and also in the bedrooms. The electric sockets have to be covered and there must not be any access to electricity if you have kids. Take inspiration from artists or design your home by looking at the ease and comfort your home will add to your lifestyle. Living with style and add passion to your living place.      Visit our company website at for more information.

Home Refurbishment

You want your home to look beautiful. Taking inspiration from nature or getting an advice of an expert. You first have to ask yourself that what you want. If you have kids then also ask your other family members that what type of themes do they want. Your kids might want to add a cartoon theme to their bedrooms if they are young and  if they are reaching their teenage then they might want something different. You have to also ask yourself that what suites you and what type of person you are?Adding a big window in your living room is the most workable idea since it will bring a lot of light in your home. Light is important to uplift your mood and it can also make you happy. You have to plan step by step to make changes in your home. You have to add an eco friendly idea to your home.  Adding energy savers and focusing over the concept of green is the new in thing these days.

If you keep pets then you have to add a place for them to be comfortable. Re freshing your home with a new wall paper andaddingthings and spaces wisely which can suite your current needs is the key to make your home more comfortable to live in.Its not necessary to buy a new property. You can buy an old property and then refurbish it in a way that it will start to look new. It all depends on your ideas.You don’t have to demolish your home but you can reconstruct it as with time your home will start to look old and need refurbishment. In the UK insulation is very important. So always plan first how to add insulation. You want sunlight to come in your home. You can light up your home by increasing the size of the windows. There are a lot of online application available which you can download and you can take pictures of your home. The place which you want to remodel.You can add the themes and the remodeling through your appand this will give you a quick idea of what your idea will look like in practical.You have to be creative when it come to remodeling. You can convert your living place into a conversation pit as your guests can sit and chit chat here. Your attic can be converted into a pillow room where you can read a book and relax. If you have a collection of books then you can make a display under your stairs. The open spaces in your home can be covered and you can use it for storage purpose. You have to add two dishwashers. One will be for a display in the kitchen and the other one you can keep it in the back space of your home to do the actual dish washing. If you have a lawn then a tree house is the best idea you can add. Please visit Craven and Hargreaves for more details.

Home Accessories

Your home will look beautiful only when you will add the right accessories to it. Accessorizing your home can be challenging, there are so many options available in the market which you can select from. The different rage of wall papers, different colored glass lamps and the new designs sofa sets can bring definition in your home. You must take a picture of your home before you accessorize it. There are so many ideas. You can have picture frames but you can add some creativity to it like you can have a map added to it in a picture frame. A fire pit is essential. The hall closet can be turned into a mini room where you can relax. You can even stick some jewelry on the picture frames. Adding plants and placing some small pots on your window will add freshness to your bedroom and living area. You can use your living room wall as a gallery of your family pictures which can take you down the time line of your memories. Always keep a clipboard in your kitchen as you want to keep it as a reminder board. You can stick some notes on it so it can help you remember your important daily tasks. You can even add schedules to it and it can be added with fancy thumb nails. You must use what you already have. You have to upcycle your existing furniture, picture frames, cabinets and your lights.

It is very easy to shop accessories now because now you can buy them online with a lot of discounts available.After a renovation, you can accessorize your home with decorative hooks, cushions, fancy door knob, pouffes,book shelve and scented candles. Decorate your living room with rugs and beautiful tinted glass lamps.  You want your guests to see your home as a piece of art as it will ultimately reflect you. You can use mirrors to make your home look more spacey as mirrors create an effect of more room.Some vintage furniture can be added to your drawing room with selected decoration pieces.Spot lights can be placed just above the mirrors to reflect light.Your wardrobes have to be designed to have more space so they can occupy all your extra things which can create a clutter. Your home accessories should carry style but they must have functionality too. You can place a small electric fountain in your living area as the voice of water flow is very important to generate a peaceful affect. A fish tank with lights and decorations can be placed in the drawing room. You can place big pillows in your TV lounge.Add sparkles to your home. Your lights can be made of glass and the lamps can be made of tinted glass which can generate colorful lights. A tea light holder, table clock, ring holder, candles and ceramic pot can do the trick to make your home look beautiful. Add style in your home and live in style.

Curtain and Blinds

Curtains and blinds are available in all sizes and colors in the market. Picking the right fabric and design will create the effect you want in your room. Whenever you are buying a curtain then you first have to see what the color of the walls are and what the rest of the theme of the room is. Blinds are also very good alternative to the curtains as the maintenance of blinds is far easier than curtains. A curtain or a blind is more like a complement which you can add to your home. There are so many types of blinds available in the market. When it comes to picking the right curtain for your home. You first have to understand the your requirements. Curtains are available in a single panel with a window set also. Semi opaque curtains creates blackout and completely blocks the light. They are mostly used in bedrooms. Curtains are available in casual and classic style also. The length of the curtains is depending on how much you are ready to spend. You can either make your curtains touch the floor or they can be sized to fix your window. Polyester is mostly used to make a curtain. This fabric is sturdy, durable and affordable. Curtains can be made of silk, velvet, lace or cotton. The UK weather is rainy most of the time so cotton curtains can be used since they don’t absorb so much of moisture. Lace curtains looks very beautiful and add a lot of texture to your rooms.

Shades or blinds, There are roller shades which are designed with a rolling mechanism and they are very easy to use. All you have to do is to roll up your shade and when you want to cover your windows then you just roll it down. Similarly, there are other types of blinds available like the honeycomb shades, pleated shades, Roman shades, Vertical blinds, solar shades,aluminum blinds and sheer shades. The cost of the blinds is far less as compared to the curtains. The blinds can also be used to darken the room. Blinds are more stylish than curtains but curtains also have their classic look. If you are a fan of classic looks then you can add curtains to your home. Blinds and shades are cheap in cost and they can be easily replaced as the cost is low. Mini blind and plantation blinds are very common and they also look very beautiful. Mini blinds can be used in kitchen. The Roman blinds are very functional with a drapery appearance. If you have kids then you need a roller blind as it can roll up and can stay away from the reach of children. Wooden blinds and solar shutters can add a lot of texture to your home. The wooden blinds gives an effect of a wooden wall. So, blinds or curtains whatever you pick, it must suite your comfort and budget and not to forget it must at style to your home.

Bathroom Refurbishment

With time your home needs refurbishment as it start to look old. Renovation can bring back the life in your home. Bathroom s are renovated according to their space. The houses in which the bathrooms are big, more creativity can be used with a little storage space can be added also. The small apartments don’t have much space and thus requires a clever and well planned approach to manage space effectively.

Vintage fixtures and bold patterned wall papers looks amazing in a small space. The lighting can be added just above the mirror and the wash basin.  A tub is very famous in the UK. A tub can be placed like a box and it can be covered with a shower curtain. You can use tiles of plain patterns or with vintage styles. Tiles are available in beautiful and stylish patterns in the market which can suite your personality and styling needs. Never use too much color in a small place. Use one theme. Patterns can even create an effect of clutter so be careful in selection of tiles and designs.

A medicine cabinet can be placed behind the mirror to save space. If you are not a tub type person then a shower box with a glass door looks best and is very functional. Renovating a bathroom costs must be decided first and make a plan to pick what type of fixtures from the market. Always keep a Vase in your bathroom to add freshness. If you cannot buy fresh flowers every next day then an air freshener can do the trick.

Always keep in mind whenever you are renovating a bathroom that the electricity standards must be incorporated in your fittings and design. Safety is the prime concern of any person where there is water and where any accident can happen. UK has very strict electric standards which you have to follow. You can even seek an expert advice to build safety into your renovation.

Bathroom rugs can be used in front of your bath tub or shower door. You can either use rubber or cotton made rugs which you can easily change. There are a lot of online websites which can give you great renovations ideas with pictures so you can easily get an idea. Keep it simple and keep functionality in your mind. There are some common mistakes people make when they renovate their bathrooms. They keep a small budget. Buy cheap quality products which wore off easily after sometime and are not long lasting. Not following their decided designs and making changes on their own can turn your renovation into a mess and believe me you don’t want a mess. So planning your time and money and sticking to the design you want will get you the results you want. You can even take an expert advice over your design additions that you want to make into your Master design. Click here for more information about Bathroom Refurbishment.