
5 tips to make your small and compact bathroom more luxurious

Today the focus of home renovation is towards a luxurious and sophisticated bathroom design. Generally being one of the most compact and functional space of the house, the design of a bathroom needs to be well planned and thought-out. A design in which the functional and utilitarian elements of the bathroom can feature as a unique design detail. So here are a few tips to make your small and compact bathroom feel more rich and luxurious.

  1. Feature Wall:

A feature or statement wall can instantly bring life to even the most compact bathroom. Just a simple play of different tiles can vouch for a unique and stylish feature wall. Luckily today tiles are not restricted to a small basic rectangular shape but available in a huge variety of colours, texture, shapes and sizes. This wide variety simply allows for endless creative possibilities. So when refurbishing your bathroom be sure to play around with different tiles for an ultimately stylish statement wall. There is a wide range of colours available in exclusive Arabesque and Moroccan Fish scale tiles that can add a unique vibrancy to your statement wall. On the other hand chevron ceramic tiles can vouch for a refined contemporary look. Yet if you are looking for a sophisticated and elegant bathroom, marble remains your best options. For powder rooms large floral wallpapers can vouch for an exclusive feature wall. So when renovating your bathroom you can simply play with surface finishes for an incredibly luxurious and sophisticated space.

  1. Brass fixtures:

The most happening and sophisticated material of this year remains brass. The material can instantly bring warmth with a unique touch of luxury. So when considering to refurbish your bathroom a great investment could be brass fixtures and faucets. These incredibly stylish faucets can become the limelight of your bathroom. Brass fixtures serve as a unique design feature especially in your shower area. It gives an antique finish that could effortlessly blend in both classic traditional or even contemporary spaces. Complement this hardware with a similar brass finish with your mirror frame or light fixture, to give just the perfect finishing touches to your bathroom.

  1. Mirror styling:

The most important feature to consider when refurbishing your bathroom is mirror. It remains the most eye catching feature of your bathroom, thus special attention must be given to the style and design of your bathroom mirror. So it’s time to explore beyond just rectangular and circular shapes, opting for unique geometric shapes that give edge to your bathroom design. Asymmetrical mirrors are also gaining popularity these days instantly giving a contemporary update to your bathroom. Yet the framing of the mirror also plays an important role. It could provide the perfect finishing touch to your bathroom mirror. So when opting for bathroom renovation always give special attention to the styling of your mirror.

bathroom refurbishment Leicestershire

  1. Contemporary lighting options:

Lightning plays a major part in determining the ambience of your bathroom. So when refurbishing your bathroom just add a stylish and contemporary light fixture to really uplift the space. Today many light fixtures are especially designed to highlight your bathroom. Among these the most popular light fixtures remain wall scones that can feature as a unique and sophisticated detail of your bathroom. Yet if you are willing to give a stylish edge to your bathroom pendant lights can just be the perfect choice. Another popular trend remains to backlit your mirror to instantly bring a contemporary flair.

  1. Statement Art:

Once you have all your important design elements in place. It’s time to give your bathroom an artistic update. The possibilities are endless from beautiful paintings and witty posters to some memorable photographs. These artsy additions literally occupy no space while adding a personal touch to your bathroom. Anything that clicks with you can be hanging on the bathroom wall to make a unique style statement. So when refurbishing your bathroom always add a personalized touch to bring your space to life.

Top 5 interior design trend of 2019 luxury homes Leicestershire

The beginning of New Year is always a great opportunity for a fresh start. So it is certainly the perfect time to renovate your home and bring about a new energy into your living space. This year looks beyond bare minimal interior spaces, promising much more rich, inviting and luxurious homes. So it is the best time to bring a glimpse of the rich cultural heritage of Leicestershire into your homes. Thus here are top 5 interior design in Leicester trends which bring a contemporary twist upon classic design elements, for an ultimately modern and luxurious haven.

curtains and blinds Leicestershire

  1. A rich colourpalette:

Passion for rich and bright colours had already been witnessed last year. Yet in the year 2019, it is likely to become the most happening interior design trend. It remains a perfect opportunity to bring the rich, warm and inviting colours of the Victorian period back into your home. So when thinking of home refurbishment this year be sure to add a rich colour palate ranging from dazzling shades of red, orange and pink to the royal and enchanting tones of purple. Thus when renovating your home this time bid farewell to boring and monotonous grey and brighten up your space with these vibrant colours.

  1. Brass accents:

This year it is all about warm, inviting and luxurious space, thus the cold feel of stainless steel can certainly not do justice. So it is time to cherish the ultimately rich and sophisticated finish of Brass. The material can instantly bring warmth into your space with a unique touch of luxury. So adorn your space with brass accent when renovating your home this year. It remains a great way to glam featuring endless creative possibilities. Bring the unique finish of brass through home accessories such as mirror and lamps, or simply add a touch of brass to the rod of your curtains and blind. Fine detailing in brass could also serve as a modern twist upon classic cravings and details. So this year is the perfect opportunity to awaken your space to the warmth and opulence of brass.

  1. Floral pattern:

With an increasing urge to connect with nature, design trends of this year tend to focus upon bringing all the motifs and patterns inspired by nature back into your home. So when renovating your home this year, add a unique style into your home with floral patterns and motifs inspired by the classic era. Yet these floral patterns and design are not restricted to your pillows and beddings. This year it is likely to go big with exquisite wallpaper, dramatic wood panelling and contemporary tiles. The idea is to exaggerate proportions and present nature in a more artistic way.

  1. Velvety Delight:

It is hard to imagine an inviting, rich and opulent space without the timeless addition of velvet. The super soft touch of velvet with a unique shine makes it an irresistible option for an ultimately warm, comfortable and stylish seating area. This year velvets are being admired in a variety of jewel tones. Thus if you are considering to refurbish your living room, a great idea remains to reupholster sofa or armchairs to bring an instant change. A classic wing chair or sofa upholstered in rich and modern jewel tones of velvet, instantly adds a modern and luxurious flair into your home.

  1. Contemporary Wall Scones:

This year wall scones will certainly steel the limelight. Featuring classic stylistic features within contemporary design, these lights could serve as an exclusive detail of your home. The lights have a unique quality to highlight details and finishes of a wall. Thus wall scones are increasingly being used in bedroom to highlight the bedroom feature wall. So when renovating your bedroom, make a unique style statement with these lights. The ultimately stylish light fixtures have also gained popularity in more functional spaces such as kitchen and bathroom. Thus Wall scones can actually serve as a design feature vouching for a glamorous and sophisticated interior space.

Tribal Theme Homes

A tribe is a small group of people, mostly they are related with each other. They live by sharing the same space. A tribal home is an ancient time idea. We can observe home from different tribes. Most of the homes which are in a tribe are designed according to the weather conditions also. We have so many tribes from all over the world. There are Indian tribes, African tribes, ancient Egyptian tribes and many more.You must have noticed that these tribes have different culture and this culture is even seen on their walls and in the things, they use in their daily life. Let’s start with Indian tribes. You must have observe that their homes are mostly have things which are from their culture. The theme of red and yellow is very common. Even the curtains, bed sheets and pillow covers and the utensils from the kitchen are having this theme. If you are deciding to add an Indian tribal home theme to your home. Then you can start with adding their traditional patterns of curtains and the different chardars to convert them into pillow covers.

If you decided to add an African theme into your home then you see that they use a lot of bamboo and also their traditional things are most of the time used for decorations in their homes. Egyptians are the most rich in terms of living and their life style is luxurious.Having an Egyptian theme in your home is like bringing that era in your present time. Tribal home themes are very traditional and it will also make you learn a lot about their culture. In Indian culture, they use a lot of spice in their foods. In African culture, they have strong roots with their ancestors. The Egyptian culture is very rich and their homes are made from rock because to protect them from the extreme weather of the dessert. These types of themes can be adjusted into your home with few modifications. Baskets and wooden designs can be placed into the bedroom, the living area and they can be placed on the porch also.

The bamboo furniture is also a very tribal idea. Understanding the tribal living is very important. The examples of the three tribes which are given are easy to replicate. They can be practical also with few modifications. You can throw pillows and the cushions with mud patterns. These look very interesting and support the theme. A tribal theme is very selective and it’s important to first study the culture and theme of the tribal living that you want to replicate then go for it.It will be also adding to your knowledge, at the same time, it will also make you experience a different type of living. More details at

Tribal Theme Homes

A tribe is a person’s identity.A person who belongs to a tribe can understand this. People around the world travel and settle in different countries. You must have observed that because of this people come across different cultures and people having different life styles. These people when get inspired from other cultures, sometimes adopt the life style and even when they go back to their home land then they take the life style with them thus resulting in inspiring others.

There are so many tribes in this world and so many cultures.Yours home design can come from an inspiration from a tribe. Let’sdiscuss some of these tribal life styles and how we can incorporate them in our homes.

Indian Tribes theme

India is a developing country. However, long ago India had a lot of tribes. People use to live in small groups. Indian culture is a very rich culture and there are a lot things which the people of India do and adopt in their life style which is coming from ancient culture and also their religion. Even the Indian culture is as old as the Buddha. It will be an interesting them to have ajrak lamps and designs on the wall. To have baskets and sofa set made up of straw. Even, it is observed that Buddha status is wearing a shawl which is showing the design of ajrak. This is a piece of cloth which the kings use to wear.

American Tribes theme

American Tribes? Yes, it is a question mark. So, Amercia had tribes. Once upon a time, the people of America use to live in tribes. Their life style had horses, horses carriages,wooden houses and not to forget the cowboy style. You can have an American tribe theme in your home. With paintings of horses and cow boys hats in your living room as a decoration piece. You can keep a small model of a horse cart in your lawn. The cowboy hats looktribal. You can ever wear them and you can ever decorate your house with them too.

African Tribes Theme

There are a total of 3000 tribes in Africa. The 10 most popular tribes are Zulu, Maasai, San Bushmen, Yoruba, Xhosa, Hausa, Himba, Oromo, Kalenjin and Chaga. So, there is a large variety to select the themes for your home. The most functional themes must be selected, as comfort of the home is the priority. Baskets, red shawls, furniture made up of actual tree and not carved can be used for creating an African theme.

When you start over with planning and implementing the themes, you want. You will notice that you will learn a lot about the life style of these tribes. Click here for more information.

Awesome Home – Craven and Hargreaves Design

Awesome is the creation of the new generation and living in style is an inspiration driven from the current culture. Yes, it’s true that societies experiment and then they end up with new designs. Some functional and others are not functional. Depends on the comfort level of the design. How to incorporate this awesomeness in your life style.

You can do this buy thinking and implementing creatively.

Falling Water

Having a built in water fall can be an awesome idea. So, awesome that you will feel like that you are living in rain. This will give you a strange feeling but also it will have a soothing effect since the sound of the water is used for creating peace and calmness and this techniques is used for centuries.

Glass House

A glass house is the most amazing house that you have never seen in your life. You can design your house by placing glass all over the house and you will just love it when you will be done with it. Other than glass, you can use mirrors also. Since, mirrors reflect light so, you can even save your electricity by using this technique.

Flower House

Flowers are beautiful and you can even design your home with a flower design. You can design the windows and the doors with the flower patterns engraved in them and additionally you can even use fresh flowers, by planting them in your lawn and keeping them in pots on your windows.

Mushroom House

Mushroom houses are very common. They are having a mushroom like roof and it’s all round. Most of these houses are built in the mountain areas because when its a snow fall then these round mushroom like roof’s are very effective, since they don’t let the snow set in on the roof. Instead, the snow slides off the roof and the roof plays its part in keeping the home safe. These round roofs looks very beautiful if you can use some creativity then you can imprint designs on them, which will give an amazing effect.

An awesome house is mostly linked with a wow house. Since, when someone will see your house then they must be amazed and they will have a wow feeling. An awesome house is very difficult to design because it takes an artistic temperament to design and to implement accordingly to get to the end result as planned. You see a lot of people who love art work and they even pay a high price to buy the expensive art work. So, if you are the artists and you have created a piece of art then everyone will appreciate you for your talents. So, live in style and have an awesome house. See at: for more information.

Tips for Awesome Home

Have an awesome home, live with style, and make a home with all the new gadgets. Technology has made our life easy and also comfortable. It is a blessing to have an android, a flat-screen, a fuel-efficient car, and energy savers. We live in an era where style and fashion are very important. we have some tips for awesome home for you. A gym is a must. Since you get tired working the whole day and then you don’t have the energy to go out and travel again to the gym.

It will be an awesome idea to have a gym at your home. A treadmill is a must.  When you are designing a gym then you must keep in mind that you should keep only those machines which are useful and you can use them on daily basis. A gym idea is evergreen and it will work on your health also. Second, you can have a swimming pool in your backyard. Yes, the swimming pool requires a lot of maintenance. Swimming pools are best for inviting people and having a gathering too. You can make your friends enjoy the pool. Even you can use the pool every day for swimming. Swimming is the best exercise and it keeps a person healthy and fit.

home renovation, style your home awesome

Another amazing idea is that you must have a whiteboard in your home. Well, you must be thinking about what is so amazing and awesome about a whiteboard. A whiteboard is very useful. You can pin your plans and other schedules and the things which you want to remember on the board for reminding purposes. This idea is very awesome as it will keep on organized and it will make you get things done on time. You can have an aquarium bedroom. This bedroom will look amazing at bedtime. The blue color lights can be placed just above the bed. You can even have a chandelier living room. These days, beautiful chandeliers are available which are not that expensive. Another awesome idea is having a dining table with swing chairs.

It is fun to have a swing chair with a table. Other than this, an inside-out swimming pool will leave your guest breathless. This is such an amazing idea that you can have one part of your pool in a room and the rest of it outside. The spiral staircase saves a lot of space. Then adding a slide to its spiral shape can be so fun. Not, only the kids can use it but also the other people in your house can join in and have fun. If you have an open shaft in your home, then designing your bathroom on top of it with a glass floor will make you leave breathless. Hope you have enjoyed our tips for awesome home, So, have an amazing home with amazing ideas. Please visit our company website at:

Ancient Walls Bedrooms

In Accent times, walls use to depict a nations culture, religion and customs. As, it was found even in caves and in many countries wherever accent remains were found that the accent people use to write on walls for recording their events and even recording their religion. So, walls are always an important part of a man’s life and in every era, walls were used by man to reflect their lives. Today, the people have the same mind set. You will observe that most people will hang beautiful paintings to decorate their walls. Wall decorations are discussed as under;

Oil Paintings

Paintings are very important, as they catch and preserve different life events and nature. You can hang oil paintings in your bed room. Most of the original wall paintings are very expensive, so an alternative can be these paintings replicas.

African Wall Design   

There is a rich history of Africa and its people. Since, the weather conditions are very extreme in Africa. So, their homes are made up of mud or wood so to kill the heat. You can use wood wallpaper in your bed room and you can even make your window look like an ancient African culture. African culture use wood stands with their cultural African faces so that can be an interesting decoration piece in your bed room.

Victorian Wall Design    

Is the time of Victory ancient? Yes, we can declare it to. If you want this design to be a part of your bed room then red and golden is the color themes which will fit into your bed room. Using this design will make you select heavy wood furniture for your bed room with most of the furniture which will be with carvings.

Egyptian Wall Design

Whenever we think of the Egyptian times, the Faros and mummies come to our mind. But, interestingly, Egypt have a very rich culture and when we talk about their walls then you will find their walls to be most rich since they use to record history events on their walls. So, you can have a history wall with Egyptians symbols in your bed room wall. This will be very interesting.

Asian Wall Designs  

The continent of Asia have many nations living in this continents for thousands of years belonging to different religions. Religion have a very big influence on the life style of the people and it can be seen in their daily live. Most of the Asian countries have more or less similar culture. The Chinese culture use more paper and bamboo with Chinese scripts on it. In India, people keep their walls white due to extreme weather. So, you can use one of these themes in your bed room wall.

When you go to sleep in night then these walls will take you to ancient times.

If you need more details visit about us page at: for more information.

Accent walls bedrooms

Walls are very important. Having a well decorated wall can bring out the beauty of a home. Let’s start with the walls inside the house. Your bedroom is a very private place and it must be as peaceful as possible. Adding a concrete design with sharp edges can be interesting with a pendant light panel. You color palette can be energized with a bright and bold patterned rug. This arrangement is best for the extreme cold weather, when you have snow outside. The heavy patterns generate warmth and a sense of comfort against the extreme weather. A monochromatic room is an artistic idea. This room can be designed with panels which can be white painted with a backdrop having a stunning portrait. A striking patterned rug with an eye-catching pattern can be placed just in front of the bed. The walls can be brown and the bed side tables can have a cosmo pendant lights. You must be thinking that these bold patterns can make a room look less spacey. Well in the accent times, when there were limited building material and techniques available. Forts and houses were built using soil and rock. Though they will look very daring if you will add them to your home in present time. But, why not. You can use concrete instead of the actual soil since it requires a lot of maintenance. The rock idea is still applicable. The walls can look like as if they are from ancient times if you will place small rocks or sliced big rocks on the wall with a pattern in it. They will depict as if the room is from the designs of a fort or a castle.

Having wood patterns are also very interesting and they depict an ancient era. An era when limited building material was available. A time when the houses were built using wood, rocks and soil. If you will have a wall with sliced wood covering your wall then it will be best for those areas where the weather is very cold. The rocks design can suite both the cold and hot weather. You can have neutral grays and matte grays or a dark blue green color of rock design. To add to the definitions, a beige colored vase can be used. A natural amount of different variations can be used to make your walls look more ancient. Living in such a home is more like watching a thriller every day. This will give you a feeling of how ancient people use to live. A glossy glass panel looks very smooth and its also functional. Cabinets made of wood can be added to the room for storage purpose. These designs will make you go in the past. Please visit our website for more details.

Future Home Designs

Home is a very special place for all of us. We are deeply attached with our homes. We want to decorate it and make it comfortable but most of us also collect decorations pieces to make their homes look different. The collection of decoration pieces shows the creativity of the mind of that person too. You must have seen people copying the Victorian styles and then there are people who create designs out of their imagination and they are the future designs, as they call it. Future is a very interesting word. So, does the future exists.

Yes, of course the future exists. Because every present have an impact on the future and all the future designs people come up with comes from the evolution of the present designs.

There are a lot of movies, magazines, fiction books and a lot of literature is available on the future. Different writers and movie makers have created an image of the future by showing advancement in technology which takes over the lives of the people and how a common man’s life is made easy by using the technology.


This is not a dream; you can have these designs built into your present home. Followings are some of the designs you can incorporate.

Energy Savers

The energy is a very precious resource and it must be used carefully. Using energy saving devices will be the in thing of the future. That includes lights, home appliances, cell phones and even the flat screen in your home can save energy.

Automatic Security System

Security systems is another evolution of the future. Our future homes will be equipped with more technology. Especially when it comes to security. Surveillance cameras and automatic recording and identifying unwanted activity, which the system can detect and set alarms, will be the thing of the future.


This word robot sometimes make you wonder that robots are a blessing, a technological advancement which will revolutionize our lives. Even today, there are robots available for sale in big stores. An automatic vacuum cleaner with an intelligent system can clean the house on it own without any assistance. Similarly, an automatic no activity detecting system can turn off the light and save energy. You can even buy a robot to clean your car and help you decide a menu. Yes, all these things are the accessories of the future. In addition, the future is here because we even today use these accessories in our homes in our daily lives.

So, yes the future is here. With time, people will observe that they use more technology to get their daily work done through robots and through more access to technology. See at: for more information.

Future home designs

You must have seen the future. You will ask me when. Well, you saw it on TV, magazines and books. There is a lot literature available over what will be in the future and how people will be living and our cars will fly and there will be no roads. The cartoon series jet sons is the best example of the future. Why the cars are flying in the future. Why there are homes in the sky. Well its all the imagination and this is how the people of today have defined the future living. If you will observe many of these things are becoming a reality. Like it was predicted that the digital age will change the way we communicate and live. So, it is happening. We have flat screens, androids and i-phones, fuel-efficient cars and even homes, which can control the weather. Therefore, the future is here. You can break the trend and be more daring in your designs. You can have an angular designs for your living space. White is the in thing. Having an angular design will add windows and doors and the rest of the furniture, not having a regular shape. Your windows can be in a triangle or round. Your doors can be like its from a space shuttle. The bed can slide in or it can fold in the wall. You can use LED lights, small light to save energy. Your flat screen TV can be used for multi-purpose. It can be used for communication. A blue tooth is a blessing, since its hands free and portrays the future communication.

Another cool idea is having a crystal apartment. You can have a crystal wall, floor and a ceiling. It will make you feel as if you are in the sky. The sofa one side can be elevated. So, it can look like a deck. This will add an interesting visual to your home. You can have a dimming lights. They are the best thing as if you are seeing a sunset. You can have drum stools. You can have a concealed control panel. The dining area can have different angular designs. The dining table can be a built in or it can have a triangle shape or an octagon. Pendant lights can be added on top of your dining table. You can having a dining table just like jet sons in which it goes in the ceiling and it comes out when it is called. So, you can have lights and other things remotely sensitive to your voice and you can control the channels of the TV and lights and other things with your voice. Since you have seen the future, then why not be in a futuristic home. Click here for more information.

Renovate your home Red, Blue and Green; an art piece

Renovating your home is very time taking and challenging. You can renovate your home to be red, blue and green. First let me tell you what is the concept of having a red, blue and green home.  A red color is the color of love and the blue color is the color of sky and the green color is the color of nature. So, It covers all the aspects of a human life and the aspects of the personality of a person. Human beings live in a social circle. Without love they cannot bond and they cannot have a home. Sky blue color is presenting a cool image. Thus, promoting peace and tranquility. The green color promotes nature. Which is essential for living. So, you can have a red, blue and green. You must be thinking what people think. Well, you are right. People will obviously talk and they will not understand the colors. However, once you tell them, they will fall in love with the idea.

You can have painting of nature, showing green and you can have painting of the sun showing light and life. You can hang paintings of the sea. In your home, you can make it a master piece by having master pieces in your home. You can be bold by adding a red floor and painting your ceiling blue like a sky. You can paint your walls blue so you can have all red, blue and green. This idea is most of the time seems odd. But it’s the best representation of the life cycle. You can have replicas of the paintings of Leonardo de Vinci and you can hang other replica pictures of the famous artists. This might seem an expensive idea. But it will surely satisfy your soul. Living in an art piece is like a dream.

So, the paints and the accessories you add with these three colors can make your home look like an art piece with a concept built in it. Selecting a red floor is very daring. This will give its full affect when a big window is added in your rooms. The sunlight will make the floor and the rest of the colors lift your home and make it look amazing. This type of a home is for an art lover only. The people who can understand art will enjoy this type of renovations. The important part is that it must satisfy your soul. Having other ideas like making your floor, walls and ceiling painted with light colors is very traditional. Though they are good for creating an illusion of space but it is very daring to add something bold to your home.

Streamline one room living with style

When you think of a small space for living, then some people are very uncomfortable but it is challenge and it can be easily done if you put your mind to it. Living in one room seems impossible and wanting all facilities seems impossible to adjust in one room. With all the difficulties and challenges, it can be possible. You must be thinking that how will you adjust your kitchen and bed and tv and the rest of your things in one room. Well you can start with first deciding where you can place your kitchen. As you, enter into your room, your kitchen just in the beginning so, you can save some space in the rest of your room. You can keep your bed near the window and you can push it to your wall. The center space will be free with this setting. Now, in the middle space, you can keep a center table and infront of that you can keep a flat screen TV. The middle table can be used as a dining table too and you can use it for multipurpose like for writing and doing the rest of your work.

Always add a peg board in your room, it is very useful because you can hang your hat, your umbrella, your coat and a lot of other things and it saves a lot of space since you don’t need a wardrobe for it. In one room living, you have to have a built in wardrobe. A hanging chair is a very clever idea. It saves space and looks very stylish. You can even have a built in desk which can fold back in the wall. This way it can only occupy space when it is required. The bath room can be added just opposite the kitchen so this space can be utilized properly. You can place your automatic washing machine inside the bathroom area to save space. Always buy an automatic washing machine since it is designed to spin and dry all the clothes. So, you don’t need a separate space to dry the clothes. You can have pink tiles in the washroom, since they look very nice and a black heated towel rod can be added to keep the bathroom warm during extreme cold temperature. A full-length window is very important. It will illuminate the whole room, giving an impression of space. Coffee tables are very useful. They are small but serve the purpose.

The last but not the least are the cushions. They must be big in size so they can be used as pillows at bedtime. Flat screen TV are best for small spaces. They can be mounted on the wall and they don’t even take much space. You can live in one room and it will never cross your mind that it is small because if you will plan it well. You can adjust everything in it according to your lifestyle. Click here for more information.