home renovation in Leicester

How to plan a major home renovation

A significant home remodel is, indeed, major. It is a tremendous endeavor with various pieces to consider, from tracking down your ideal worker for hire, to how to plan a major home renovation. With such countless things to design, we have assembled our best tips for renovating your house to make your undertaking go as easily as could be expected.

Major home Remodel factors


Before you begin remodeling your house, it’s critical to consider precisely what you need to check how broad the home renovation will
be. What is the objective of your redesign:

  • Are you utilizing space for your family to appreciate for quite a long time to come?
  • Or would you say you are improving your home to build its land esteem?

Sketch out your vision while choosing your redesign needs and needs. You ought to likewise do your exploration on your area to figure out what activities would be a decent profit from venture and which ones would be less important to you over the long haul. Furthermore, when you make your rundown, focus on your needs and needs. Having a definite rundown of your longings, and what will have the most effect on your life at home, makes it simpler to choose how best to dispense your cash, just as how best to push ahead if any shocks come up all the while.

Renovation Budget

Setting a spending plan and adhering to it is key during an enormous remodel process. It is best practice to put to the side a possibility store for spontaneous fixes and sudden expenses, and hope to utilize it.

Additionally, plan on the backhanded redesign cost that may emerge during the remodel, such as eating out additional, or remaining in a
lodging for a couple of evenings. At the point when you work with a respectable worker for hire, they ought to have a framework for keeping costs, and any progressions to costs, by their assessments.


While planning for a huge home redesign, it’s imperative to understand what you are finding yourself mixed up with, particularly if this is your first time. Talk with loved ones who have finished remodels previously and see what they battled with and how they conquered certain impediments. Look into best practices and tips for going through a remodel. The project worker you pick ought to be an extraordinary asset, yet it is ideal to as of now have a strong handle on the intricate details of the redesign cycle before getting to that point.


Discussing workers for hire, the absolute first tip ought to be to track down a certified one that is equipped for rejuvenating your fantasies.
Nonetheless, we realize this typically happens to mortgage holders after they’ve longed for the prospects. Remember that an incredible project worker may likewise offer a few prospects that you hadn’t considered.

During the choice interaction, look at surveys and see what their previous customers say about their work and administration. Timetable a meeting to talk about your task and ask your worker for hire questions. You will need your project work to be an accomplice in this interaction that realizes the most ideal approaches to accomplish what you need inside your financial plan. A legitimate project worker will want to introduce answers for the issues you have with your home, in light of their experience. They can likewise bring up underlying upgrades that can improve the energy use and usefulness of your home long haul. You can choose C&H as a contractor for home renovations.

Comprehend Neighborhood Bylaws and Permitting

 Whenever you have chosen your remodel group, it’s an ideal opportunity to dig further into your extent of work. There might be mandates from your area or HOA related to home increments, part lines, and more that can change your unique plans. As the mortgage holder, you can explore if any of these exist and offer the data with your worker for hire. In any case, when you work with a respectable project worker, they should deal with the way toward acquiring the appropriate structure grants around there.


When arranging the timetable of your redesign, think about forthcoming occasions and occasions you might want your home to be prepared by. It is ideal to set your end date and plan in reverse, being sensible and anticipating additional time if conceivable on account of deferrals or extra fixes. Your worker for hire will manage you on how the season can influence or defer any structure plans.

Get Together and Declutter

This may sound excessively basic yet getting your things together and cleaning up your redesign zone is one of our most significant hints. In addition to the fact that it protects your assets from being harmed your remodel group can tackle their job all the more rapidly and productively without your things in the manner. For a redesign traversing your whole home, consider leasing an offsite stockpiling unit to keep your things protected and far removed.

Ensure Kids and Pets

Another significant viewpoint while remodeling your home is to consider your youngsters and pets. While a remodel might be fascinating for your children who need to get in and play and watch, it very well may be risky. Guarantee you have doors and the appropriate wellbeing gear introduced to hold gutsy little children back from meandering through a building site, and the equivalent goes for pets. You might need to consider getting a pet sitter for longer ventures to guarantee your fuzzy relatives are protected.


It’s extremely simple to get hypnotized by the most recent patterns. While it’s extraordinary to assemble motivation from in-vogue plan thoughts, they may not stand the trial of time. With regards to a home redesign, you need to guarantee you will cherish the completed item for quite a while, so it’s ideal to pick ageless plans and beautify with existing apart from everything else stylistic layout that you can undoubtedly refresh as the occasions change.



Will you remain at your home while the remodel happens, or will you move to a lodging? Your timetable and cost are gigantic elements when settling on this choice. Numerous property holders pick remaining at home on the off chance that they can, notwithstanding, it tends to be a troublesome chance to traverse. Redesigns are frequently awkward, leaving you with noisy commotions, residue, and that’s just the beginning, to manage in your home. Consider your daily schedule and work with your worker for hire on the best occasions to do certain errands for a smoother change. Perhaps everything thing you can manage is to assign a redesign-free zone where you and your family can escape for some harmony.

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How To Create A Luxury Look In Home Renovations

You don’t have to huge to create a luxury living space; you just need to follow professional advice on the investments that will give add glamour and style to your home. When it comes to decorating your home, paying attention to the small details such as is paramount because they will help in creating a luxurious interior that will not cost you much. Carrying out home renovation in Leicester requires adding to the glamour and luxury of the home, and it is imperative to maximise your budget. Adding a mix of furniture, accessories, solid flooring, lighting and wall covering are the essentials of adding a designer-look to the interior of your home, you don’t need to worry much about the rest because they will inevitably fall in line.

Use Wall Covering

Creating a luxury-style living room will give you an excellent place to relax in after a busy day. You can create the look, by using rich textures, such as suede or silk fabric wall coverings even if they are used on one feature wall only. These styles work well in bedrooms or areas with less work, and there are various imprinted faux-leather or suede designs that will add texture to a design scheme.

Pay Attention to Lighting

An Art Deco-style chandelier with an ever-popular look will always be on trend. Think lots of crystal and a beautiful form of a classic, yet modern feel. Consider mood lighting for all your rooms, and the living room should have a realistic daytime lighting as well as a dimmable wall, table, ceiling, and floor lamps for evenings. Wall lights are a great addition to home furnishing, they add another dimension, and are perfect for focusing light onto accent pieces.

Use High-Quality Doors

Doors with good weight on them are excellent investments for your home. A well-made door will not only uplift the appearance of your home but will also add to the resale value of the property. When trying to add a luxurious feeling to your home, you shouldn’t overlook the type of door that you use, especially the external ones. Consider using doors with a bevelled glass inset to create a spacious and glamorous feeling in the living and dining rooms. If possible, it is advisable not to limit your budget on doors, because most people can judge your home with the type of your entrance door.

Work on your Floor

To obtain the look of glamour, consider using light-coloured natural stones, for flooring, you can opt for marble or limestone, they are ideal choices to create a luxurious and spacious feel. Opting for a central design or an inset border within the floor in a hallway will give your living space extra opulence. You should consider using traditional marble on your bathroom floor if you’re redesigning it. Traditional marble is a classic floor option that will never go out of modern flooring option. If you are a lover of natural textures and you are looking at adding a high-level of luxury in your living room and bedroom, consider using a silk carpet or rug. If you are on a budget, you can also consider using fine faux silk which presents a good deal of feeling for your underfoot.

Home Renovation in Leicester: Choosing Flat Roofing Materials

The roof is one of the most important part of the home, so when doing a home renovation in Leicester, proper attention should be given to it. Many home owners don’t consider their roof when they are carrying out home renovation, no matter how bad the roof has turn out to be, they only take their attention there when the roof is worse and the weather is getting worse also. However, this attitude is not really a good one. What this category of home owners don’t know is that frequent roof maintenance and the early repair of any problem in the roof is way cheaper and safer than allowing the roof to get bad before carry out renovation work on it. Frequent roof maintenance prolongs the life span of the roof just as it is with every part of a building, it is imperative to always do a routine check on your roof whenever you are doing a home renovation so as to quickly identify any impending issue that may lead to the damage of the roof.

That said, there are different types of roofs, but the one we are interested in is the flat type of roof. The various types of roofs does have their specific difficulties so is the flat type also. One of such difficulty of a flat roof is its inability of sloping rain water. There are basically three types of flat roofing material that are being used, they include, Rubber membrane flat roofing materials, Built up flat roofing materials and Modified Bitumen flat roofing materials.

The rubber membrane flat roofing material is a good water resistant, it’s durable and are generally resistant to wear and tear. The rubber membrane is used to coat a flat roof, however the cost is on the high side, but if you can afford the good ones, and they are always good value for money. They quite easy to fix and they don’t cause any form of disruption to the life of the building during the process of fixing.

The modified bitumen is a great flat roof material with good qualities that makes it an excellent choice for home owners that have a flat roof on their house. Modified bitumen can be made in light colours which help in reflecting heat and the sun, this also help in reducing your energy bill during summer. The good part of the whole thing is that it is not difficult to install, you can do it yourself if you are a fanatic of DIY.

Built up roofing comprises of water resistant materials laid down with layers of tar covered with gravel. Though this is old, but the addition of recent waterproof materials added more strength and durability to the whole technique. This material is the cheapest flat roof material compared to the other two, though the weight is kind of much so it need the strengthening of the joists.

As a home owner in Leicester that wants to carry out home renovation that involves a flat roof, you should consider these materials, however, it is important to consult a professional to guide you through the home renovation in Leicester.

Tools You May Need for Home Renovations

When carrying out home renovations in Leicester, there are variety of tools that you will need to do the job. Though the renovation on its own may be important to you, but the tools are the most important thing in any home renovation in Leicester. This article focuses on the various tools and supplies that are needed for an effective home renovation in Leicester.

The first point of call is your safety. Your safety should be considered first whenever you want to carry out a home renovation in Leicester, and as such, you should invest in some safety equipment which may include masks, gloves, goggles, helmets and ear protections.

Home renovations involves changing of large or small parts of the home, such as the walls, ceiling, floor or other aspects of the home. Each of these sections requires specific tools to carry out effective renovation on them.

If you plan on working on the walls of your home, you will need some tools, depending on the type of job that you want to do on the wall. Masonry primer and a stiff-bristled paintbrush, are good for painting the walls of your home, so you should consider getting those also. In case you want to renovate a panel wall, chisels, caulk gun, hammer, framing square, wallboard knife, pry bar, nails, putty knife carpentry knife and a rubber mallet are good combination of tools that can aid you in carrying out an excellent renovation work on the panel walls.

Tools such as hacksaw, a drill of good quality, scrapers, bits and a caulk gun are good for outdoor jobs such as the installation of new drainage or gutters. Internal job requires its own sets of tools also which include utility knives, drills, stud finder, hammer, pliers, scrapers, a level, screwdriver, awl and paintbrushes depending on the nature or home renovation you want to carry out.

Each tool has its specific area of applications, for example, if you doing a plastering job, you will need to make use of wallboard knives and a paintbrush, while tools such as tile cutter, compass, awl, utility knife, mallet, grout float and a nipper are good if you are doing flooring jobs such as changing of ceramic tiles. Trowels, chisels, caulk gun, squares, straightedge, drills and saws are good if you are doing a sub floor job. Your sub floor should be in excellent condition and without any form of damages in order for the floor renovation to be excellent.

To effectively carry out roof renovation job, tools such as hammer, shingles, soft shoes, drill, extension ladder, bits, slide guards and brackets will be needed.

Most of the tools mentioned in this article can be used for more than one job, the trick in carrying out an effective home renovation in Leicester is first knowing what you want to change in your home, this will guide you on the tools that you need. However, if you don’t feel like buying these tools, most of them can be rented on a daily basis which can be a money saver.

Home Renovation Leicester

home-renovation-home-runIf you are looking to renovate your home then you need to make sure that you choose the right people to do it for you. If you are looking to find the right team for your home renovation in Leicester then you need to get in touch with Craven & Hargreaves!

We here at Craven & Hargreaves offer a wide range of home renovation services entirely tailored to your needs. Whether you are looking for a bathroom renovation or a brand new kitchen we can fulfil all of your requirements.

If you aren’t entirely sure what you want then don’t hesitate to give us a call. We will provide you with a free consultation to talk through some ideas and help suggest a few options which will suit your needs.

We want to make sure that every customer who undertakes a home renovation in Leicester is completely happy with our service. For that reason we only use contractors who we know and trust. You can have complete piece of mind that any contractor who comes to your home comes fully endorsed by us.

So, when you decide to undertake another renovation project then you need to pick up the phone and call Craven & Hargreaves. We will make sure that it all runs smoothly and you are completely satisfied with our service. So, what are you waiting for? Pick up the phone and give us a call today!

Home renovation Leicester

If you find yourself dreaming about that new bathroom, or fantasizing about those beautiful new countertops for your kitchen, it just might be time to consider your options.  When you are looking for companies that specialize in home renovation in Leicester, Craven and Hargreaves is the company that can take you by the hand and walk you through every step of the process.  With over ten years in business, and countless projects completed for some incredibly please customers, Craven and Hargreaves has the experience and passion to bring your dreams alive.


Craven and Hargreaves offers a full project management service for your home renovation in Leicester, in addition to the planning and design that has made them famous.  They will help you choose your contractors for every stage of your home renovation project, drawing from their wealth of contacts they have gained in their ten years of doing business.  Choosing the wrong contractor can turn your dream of home renovation in Leicester into an absolute nightmare.  Don’t let this happen to you.  Let Craven and Hargreaves help you, as they guide you through the potential pitfalls and present a plethora of options for your heart to consider.  With Craven and Hargreaves, you are in good hands every step of the way.